CLLR John Finlay Chairman of North Antrim DUP today issued the following response to inaccuracies made by the TUV following the Agreement at Hillsborough Castle clr Finlay said,
"The TUV’s “critique” of the Agreement at Hillsborough is based on fiction rather than fact. After ‘careful’ examination of the document the TUV suggests that Sinn Fein achieved seven objectives. Five of these so-called objectives are not even specifically mentioned in the Agreement. Looking at these matters in turn;
1 – ‘A working group to recommend progress on a Single Equality Bill’. The Single Equality Bill is not mentioned in the Agreement at Hillsborough. There is no change with regard to a Single Equality Bill. It has not been advanced since the start of devolution. Indeed, the only way there is likely to be a Single Equality Bill of the kind envisaged by TUV is if there is a return to Direct Rule.
2 – ‘Work on the establishment of a north/south civic forum’. Again this is not mentioned in the Agreement. TUV would do well to consider that the Northern Ireland Civic Forum has not been re-established since devolution. There is precious little chance that a north/south version will be considered to be a worthwhile development.
3 – ‘Progress on the establishment of a north south parliamentary forum’. Once again this is not even mentioned in the Agreement and is a matter in any event for the Assembly rather than any of the parties or the Executive.
4 – ‘Work on the case for additional bodies and areas of co-operation within the north south ministerial council’. Any additional bodies and areas of co-operation can only be created with the agreement of the Assembly. Whilst we support cooperation between NI and RoI, this should take place as the need arises and not through politically motivated structures.
5 – ‘A working group to ensure progress on enhancing the Irish Language’. Again this is not mentioned in the Agreement. The only way there will be an Irish Language Act is if there is a return to Direct Rule. TUV fails to mention that an Efficiency Review Panel to reduce the number of government departments, new legislation on how the First Minister is to be elected and arrangements to replace mandatory coalition as all are within the scope of the St Andrews Agreement.
6 – ‘A veto in the Executive on every piece of Justice legislation and funding’. Assembly approval is needed for every piece of legislation and only the Finance Minister can make financial proposals to the Assembly. A role for the Executive in handling such matters is hardly a Sinn Fein demand. We shouldn’t forget that the TUV once argued that devolving policing and justice would mean SF controlling our judiciary and police. Both these claims were also exposed as myths.
7 – ‘An early date for the devolution of policing and justice’. This cannot be a serious criticism in light of our manifesto commitment, agreed by Jim Allister, that we support the devolution of policing and justice.
When set against these phony criticisms, the benefits in the Agreement at Hillsborough are considerable. The independence of the Judiciary and the operational independence of the Chief Constable are in tact. A financial package worth around £800 million has been secured avoiding cuts to police numbers. In addition £20m has been secured for a payment for people who served in the part-time police reserve through the worst of the Troubles. There will be a new start to parading. In addition arrangements have been put in place to resolve outstanding Executive matters.
It is quite legitimate to criticise but criticism should be based on fact rather than myth. The TUV’s approach has nothing to offer anyone who wishes to see a better future for Northern Ireland."