Dear editor,
On Thursday’s Question Time (11th February 2010), Jim Allister’s shallow political position was exposed by a member of the audience asking a simple question - what are you for?
Jim knows what he’s against but his only attainable strategic goal for unionism is Direct Rule which he has actually called Dublin Rule. That’s not a strategy that’s a disaster.
The only thing that Jim Allister can offer the people of Northern Ireland is a return to Direct Rule leading to Joint Authority. Joint Authority Jim tries to compensate for his own failings by attacking other people in vicious language.
TUV trades in fear and expects people to suspend their logic to swallow its black propaganda. TUV claims have become increasingly absurd as previous false claims have been exposed as lies.
The TUV exists for one purpose and one purpose alone: to sow division and defeatism within Unionism.
Question Time was a train wreck for Jim Allister because it exposed for all to see just how devoid of ideas or leadership quality he really is.
This bitter wee man couldn’t run a bath let alone Unionism.
Yours etc,
Cllr John Finlay
Bann Valley