Ballymoney Councillor John Finlay has called on Sinn Fein to do more in the wake of a petrol bomb attack on Rasharkin Orange Hall last night.
Speaking today Cllr Finlay said:
"I totally condemn this attack on Rasharkin Orange Hall. This sectarian violence and trouble has gone on long enough and it must end. I call upon Sinn Fein to do more and step up to the mark when it comes to these attacks. We cannot let this escalate into the summer months.
I view this attack as part of a consorted effort on the part of Republicans against the Protestant community in Rasharkin. Many of these Protestant residents live in fear of violence and attacks from Republican elements. This cannot continue. They will not rest until the last Protestant leaves Rasharkin.
I call upon Sinn Fein to stand up and be counted; to accept responsibility for the problems currently being faced by local residents' in Rasharkin and to offer leadership.
If Sinn Fein truly believes in a shared future then they should respond with action rather than words." Councillor Finlay added.