Finlay Criticises Republicans over a Parade passing a Rasharkin Church whilst a Service was going on inside

Ballymoney Councillor John Finlay has criticised Republicans for organising a parade in Rasharkin that passed Rasharkin Presbyterian Church whilst a Sunday morning service was taking place.

Speaking today Cllr Finlay said:

"I totally condemn the actions of those responsible for organising this parade. As it was organised by the Ancient Order of Hibernians I would have thought they would have had more sense given that they represent the Roman Catholic faith.

On Sunday morning whilst the morning service of worship was going on in Rasharkin Presbyterian Church a band associated with the parade played loud, offensive music outside of the church.

Everyone has the right to worship without fear of intimidation or disturbance. If the shoe had been on the other foot there would have been uproar.

The Parades Commission would have decided whether the root was agreeable and would have known that there is a church there. Given the fact that the parade took place on a Sunday morning they would have known a service would have been on. The Commission placed no conditions or restrictions on this parade.

I have reported the band to Rena Sheppard, Chairwoman of the Parades Commission and asked for an investigation." Councillor Finlay added.

